English Français العربية Name Nom الاسم How many hours did you stay outside the home? Combien d’heures êtes-vous resté à l’extérieur de la maison? كم ساعة لبثت خارج المنزل? How many people have you met ? Combien de personnes avez-vous rencontrées ? كم من شخص التقيت? How often have you washed your hands ? Combien […]
Calculate Body Mass Index Name Height(cm) Weight(kg) Analyze Capture results and share with friends Instagram: @webveo       Facebook: web-veo.com www.web-veo.com/imc/      Répéter Observation: This indicator expresses the ideal shape and is not 100% correct because the weight of the components of the human body varies from one person to another. There are […]